Our Values as Coffee Producers

Café Tuxpal
3 min readFeb 15, 2021


Being coffee producers allows us to give so much to our country and to the world, and it means so much more than being just farmers.

Café Tuxpal — Finca El Rosario: Pacamara

In El Salvador, coffee farms amount to the creation of a big percentage of oxygen and aquifers, making the coffee forest one of the most valuable natural assets of our country. They’re also the source of income to many Salvadoran families, which is sometimes related to the amount of migration to other countries in search for better lives. Coffee also contributes to our nation’s balance of trade, which represented up to 95% of all exports in the late 1920’s. As a more intangible value, coffee is something El Salvador is well-known for, the place where the Pacas varietal was discovered, and how Pacamara coffee became possible.

Through time, maintaining such positive outcomes from these factors has become challenging, with international coffee prices on a downward slope, with the rise of temperatures due to global warming, and to how other producing countries have improved their competitiveness.

What are our values and what makes them so important?

  1. Family: Aside from coffee being in our family through generations, we admire how it brings other families together and allows them to stay together. Many families in El Salvador have been torn apart because violence and migration, and giving people a source of income and security prevents many of those things.
  2. Excellence: At Café Tuxpal, we see this value as a must. We acknowledge our competition here and in other countries, and we also set standards for ourselves that grow taller every day. In every process from seed to cup, excellence has to be present, and we like that to show in every cup of coffee that comes from our farms, making us competitive in the international market.
  3. Resilience: Coffee producers in El Salvador have been knocked down plenty of times, but our ability to rise back up is one of our most admirable traits. We have been able to endure price crises, rust crises, volcano explosions, earthquakes and much more. That amount of love and effort can’t be missed in the cup.
  4. Innovation: As most things in this world, we have to evolve and become better. Through innovation we have found new ways to do our best. Whether it is about taking better care of our plants, or playing around with fermentation and drying methods, we are never not curious as to how we can improve.
  5. Loyalty: We take care of our friends. Stabbing people or companies in the back is for losers… that’s why we like to be honest, transparent and loyal with our colleagues, allies, competitors, clients and consumers.

To keep being able to give so much to our country, to nature and to the people we care about, we try to stick to these values. At Café Tuxpal, we believe that such intangible things can allow a cup of coffee to become more than just a drink, but an entire experience that is somehow translated into the coffee we produce.



Café Tuxpal

We produce, process and export specialty coffee from El Salvador.